Thursday, October 1, 2020

Muscle Gain


Month two completed of the Hypertrophy phase. 

Calories around 2700 per day. 

I notice I have more energy. Muscles getting bigger, however, stomach and legs are gaining some fat. 

I am eating a lot more protein then usual so that is to be expected, as, I need the protein to rebuild muscle. 

Important tip: eat protein within 2 hours of your workout. 

The heaviest weight I have at home is 30 pound dumbbells. Not much. So I increase the reps. 

Using a push movement and then a pull movement in my programming, my last workout was Chest/Back/Legs. I will do three different types of exercises for each body part. With a minute rest between sets. (Or when my fitbit has reached peak). 

It’s important to vary the reps and the speed of the movements. This is to activate more muscle fibre recruitment. This is the key to muscle growth. 

In September I was doing Isometric Holds. Think of it as trying to make your muscles pop of out your body. Your looking for the pump. Build up of lactate. 

This month will be Drop Sets, that is where I do the most I can with the heaviest weight, then do more with a lighter weight. 

Sounds like fun. 

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